Elopement and wedding in Paris

Looking for an elopement or wedding in Paris ?

Simplify your life, save time and money, why look for several providers when you have already found one who will plan everything for you without stress and thinking about all the details?
You have the choice: you can click and book a package, you can book a package and book up to 2 services: make up & hair, video or we will create the personalized package for you according to your wishes and the number of guests.

We also offer packages for church weddings and with the rental of a chateau. Contact us for more details.

Paris wedding & elopement package

4 Hours – 3540 €

What’s Included:

Unlimited consultation with your wedding planner

Wedding Officiant
Personalized Romantic Symbolic Ceremony
Brides bouquet and groom’s boutonniere

Professional photographer (4 hours) for your ceremony and photoshoot in Paris
Vintage car or black mercedes E

Wedding day coordination with detailed planning

Planning fees

VAT  included

Elope in Paris